"We can expect a rash of similar bank robberies as the middle-aged seek ways to wait out the years between the onset of age discrimination and the arrival of their first Social Security check.
There's nothing new about using prison as a solution to poverty. Over 2 million Americans are currently incarcerated, the great majority of them from the lowest income brackets. In fact, incarceration is expanding as the welfare state shrinks: while the United States offers 2 million prison beds, it provides public housing to only 1.3 million households, and that number is dropping rapidly." Barbara Ehrenreich
Voluntarily picked up this tag from Ms. Mindless today. When I followed the tag rules, the above quote is what I found. Can't wait to read this one. If you are reading this post now, consider yourself tagged, and post on your own blog if the spirit moves you.
The rules are: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, not your favorite or most intellectual.