So, Weekly Geeksters, tell us, do you have a collection, (or are you starting a collection,) of one particular book title? If so, what's your story? Why that book, and how many do you have, and what editions are they? Share pictures and give us all the details.
This is a lovely and inspiring idea - to collect all available (and possibly unavailable) editions of a beloved book. If I were to do this, I would go for a giant collection of Roald Dahl works or maybe various editions of The Damnation of Theron Ware by Harold Frederic, one of my favorite books and the subject of my graduate thesis in English literature. But at the current time, I have no collection plans or carefully culled assemblage with which to wow you here. What I have are my accidental collections.
Come on, don't you have accidental one title collections of your own? Everyone has five editions of Jane Eyre and four of Swann's Way, right? And the really sad part, my book loving friends? These photos represent just two random examples of my accidental collections. Maybe I required a specific edition for academic work. Maybe I fell in love with the UK cover of a book after already acquiring the US edition. Maybe I was young and moving about, and forgot I already had a few copies of something left at the parental digs. Maybe I am just the most unlibrarianish of librarians.
Do you have a one title collection story of your own? Feel free to share here and over at Weekly Geeks. And please tell me you have accidental collections of your own. I will feel less guilt.